pone.0252225.g002.tif (358.35 kB)

Plots of fatty acid stable isotope values obtained from individual vessels from Sicilian Islamic pottery.

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posted on 2021-06-09, 17:43 authored by Jasmine Lundy, Lea Drieu, Antonino Meo, Viva Sacco, Lucia Arcifa, Elena Pezzini, Veronica Aniceti, Girolamo Fiorentino, Michelle Alexander, Paola Orecchioni, Alessandra Mollinari, Martin O. H. Carver, Oliver E. Craig

a) Plot of δ13C16:0 against δ13C18:0. Ranges (68% confidence) of 269 modern authentic reference products are shown, D (Ruminant dairy), RF (Ruminant adipose), P (Porcine), M (Marine), and FW (Fresh water). These references are published elsewhere [47] b) Plot of Δ13C against δ13C16:0. values <-3.3‰ are typically associated with D (Ruminant dairy), values between -3.3‰ and -1.0 ‰ are associated with R (Ruminant adipose) and above -1.0‰ can be considered as NR (Non- ruminant) [45].
