pone.0252225.g005.tif (172.3 kB)

Plots of TAG information based on HT-GC data of individual pottery samples from Palermo sites (CSP, GA and PB) and Castronovo (CLESP) with interpretations based on fatty acid isotope values.

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posted on 2021-06-09, 17:43 authored by Jasmine Lundy, Lea Drieu, Antonino Meo, Viva Sacco, Lucia Arcifa, Elena Pezzini, Veronica Aniceti, Girolamo Fiorentino, Michelle Alexander, Paola Orecchioni, Alessandra Mollinari, Martin O. H. Carver, Oliver E. Craig

The dispersion factor (DF) and average carbon number (M) were calculated using statistical equations outlined by Mirabaud et al. [52]. Shapes represent ruminant dairy (●) based on Δ13C values <-3.3‰, ruminant adipose (◆) based on Δ13C values between -3.3‰ and -1.0 ‰ and non-ruminant (■) based on Δ13C above -1.0‰ [45].
