pone.0294670.g001.tif (1.73 MB)

Phylogenetic reconstruction of the 88 Mtb isolates from Ecuador.

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posted on 2023-12-05, 18:24 authored by Gabriel Morey-León, Paulina M. Mejía-Ponce, Juan Carlos Granda Pardo, Karen Muñoz-Mawyin, Juan Carlos Fernández-Cadena, Evelyn García-Moreira, Derly Andrade-Molina, Cuauhtémoc Licona-Cassani, Luisa Berná

A total of 5,586 SNPs were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree using the maximum likelihood method, the GTR substitution model and a bootstrap cut-off of 0.01. Metadata include i) transmission groups (lines green, yellow, and blue), ii) sublineage classification, iii) global genotypic class of drug resistance and iv) DST results of first- and second-line antibiotics (full circle = resistant; empty circle = sensitive; missing circle = not tested).
