pone.0299082.g001.tif (1.3 MB)

Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Guinea.

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posted on 2024-03-06, 18:34 authored by Mamadou Saliou Sow, Josue Togo, Lacy M. Simons, Souleymane Taran Diallo, Mohamed Lamine Magassouba, Mamadou Bhoye Keita, Anou Moise Somboro, Youssouf Coulibaly, Egon A. Ozer, Judd F. Hultquist, Robert Leo Murphy, Almoustapha Issiaka Maiga, Mamoudou Maiga, Ramon Lorenzo-Redondo

A) Map of Guinea in the context of Africa indicating the cities where sequenced samples were collected. B) Distribution of the different SARS-CoV-2 clades in our sample set using Nextclade nomenclature. C) Monthly clade frequency in Guinea using all publicly available sequences from Guinea in the GISAID database until July 2021. D) ML phylogenetic temporal reconstruction of full genome sequences from all full genome sequences from this study and temporally subsampled African sequences from GISAID through July 2021. Taxa corresponding to Guinean sequences are highlighted. Branches and tips are colored by country.
