ppat.1009397.g002.tif (716.72 kB)

Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated PPRV N and H complete coding regions.

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posted on 2021-03-18, 18:11 authored by Arnaud Bataille, Habib Salami, Ismaila Seck, Modou Moustapha Lo, Aminata Ba, Mariame Diop, Baba Sall, Coumba Faye, Mbargou Lo, Lanceï Kaba, Youssouf Sidime, Mohamed Keyra, Alpha Oumar Sily Diallo, Mamadou Niang, Cheick Abou Kounta Sidibe, Amadou Sery, Martin Dakouo, Ahmed Bezeid El Mamy, Ahmed Salem El Arbi, Yahya Barry, Ekaterina Isselmou, Habiboullah Habiboullah, Abdellahi Salem Lella, Baba Doumbia, Mohamed Baba Gueya, Caroline Coste, Cécile Squarzoni Diaw, Olivier Kwiatek, Geneviève Libeau, Andrea Apolloni

Phylogenetic tree constructed using a maximum likelihood inference method showing the relationship based on N and H gene sequences of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) samples collected in Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal (see S1 Table for details). Genetic clusters of interest to this study are indicated by coloured branches. The numbers at the nodes indicate support from posterior probability/bootstrap values (> 50%) obtained with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods, respectively.
