ppat.1009352.s015.tif (316.53 kB)

Percentage identities of nucleocapsid amino acid residues among human coronaviruses.

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posted on 2021-05-18, 17:39 authored by Kuan-Ying A. Huang, Tiong Kit Tan, Ting-Hua Chen, Chung-Guei Huang, Ruth Harvey, Saira Hussain, Cheng-Pin Chen, Adam Harding, Javier Gilbert-Jaramillo, Xu Liu, Michael Knight, Lisa Schimanski, Shin-Ru Shih, Yi-Chun Lin, Chien-Yu Cheng, Shu-Hsing Cheng, Yhu-Chering Huang, Tzou-Yien Lin, Jia-Tsrong Jan, Che Ma, William James, Rodney S. Daniels, John W. McCauley, Pramila Rijal, Alain R. Townsend

Sequences were retrieved from the Genbank database (DQ243957, KM055524, KY014282, KF963212, KF600651, KJ556336, AY291451, AY463060) and the EpiFlu database of GISAID (EPI_ISL_411915, EPI_ISL_424972, EPI_ISL_424973, EPI_ISL_444278).

