pone.0291892.g001.tif (839.21 kB)

Patient demography and phylogenetic distribution of SARS-CoV-2 from 2nd June 2021 to 28th December 2021.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:40 authored by Amirah Azzeri, Nurul Azmawati Mohamed, Saarah Huurieyah Wan Rosli, Muttaqillah Najihan Abdul Samat, Zetti Zainol Rashid, Muhamad Arif Mohamad Jamali, Muhammad Zarul Hanifah Md Zoqratt, Muhammad Azamuddeen Mohammad Nasir, Harpreet Kaur Ranjit Singh, Liyana Azmi

(A) Age and sex distribution of our samples showed that the largest age group is 30–39 years old, with most samples being females (n = 67, 67%). (B) 61.6% of the circulating Pango lineage is represented by AY.59. (C) The phylogenetic tree represents the distribution of AY.59 in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and other countries.
