pone.0279821.g002.tif (1.8 MB)

PDXO 384-well plate assay is highly reliable, robust and suitable for HTS.

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posted on 2023-01-05, 18:41 authored by Xiaoxi Xu, Rajendra Kumari, Jun Zhou, Jing Chen, Binchen Mao, Jingjing Wang, Meiling Zheng, Xiaolong Tu, Xiaoyu An, Xiaobo Chen, Likun Zhang, Xiaoli Tian, Haojie Wang, Xin Dong, Zhengzheng Bao, Sheng Guo, Xuesong Ouyang, Limei Shang, Fei Wang, Xuefei Yan, Rui Zhang, Robert G. J. Vries, Hans Clevers, Qi-Xiang Li

a) Signal to noise ratio across 129 PDXO lines as defined by the luminescence ratio of vehicle/positive control with median value shown; b) Z-prime for intraplate analysis of 138 PDXO models in a 384-well format with a median value above industry standards; c) Interplate analysis (52 pairs of IC50 data sets across 2 passages shown on each axis for 6 models) with r value of 0.97 and r2 value of 0.94 (Pearson’s correlation). d) SOC (cisplatin, paclitaxel, gemcitabine and 5-FU) response across multiple models from different cancer types with representative IC50 values plotted in waterfall format, where IC50<1μM was classed as sensitive; e) Pancreatic PDXOs (PA2847, PA5389 and PA1252) dose-response (% of vehicle control ± SEM) to gemcitabine (♦), MK1775 (▲) and MK8776 (●); f) 3D response surface plot of synergy score via Bliss mathematical model for gemcitabine + MK1775 (left) or gemcitabine + MK1775 MK8776 (right) in the PA2847 PDXO model with red representing high scores and green representing low scores.
