pone.0299948.g003.tif (783.11 kB)

PCA results.

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posted on 2024-03-15, 17:40 authored by Alie G. Male

Details of PCA components in which the data provide evidence in favour of the model containing stimulus type. A. P1 PCA component results. B. P2a PCA component results. C. P2b PCA component results. Topographical maps of each component show combined activity from standard, deviant, and control trials at peak latency. Component scores show means for standard (green), deviant (orange), and control (purple) stimuli at the site of peak positivity (Maximum) and negativity (Minimum). Error bars show ±1 standard error. Black boxes show conditions in which one or more paired Bayesian t-tests provide evidence in favor of differences between stimulus conditions.
