pcbi.1008904.g001.tif (543.77 kB)

Overview of the PING pipeline.

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posted on 2021-08-02, 17:39 authored by Wesley M. Marin, Ravi Dandekar, Danillo G. Augusto, Tasneem Yusufali, Bianca Heyn, Jan Hofmann, Vinzenz Lange, Jürgen Sauter, Paul J. Norman, Jill A. Hollenbach

The PING pipeline processes KIR targeted sequencing data to determine KIR gene copy number and allele genotypes through a series of modules. First, KIR aligned reads are filtered through an alignment to a set of KIR haplotypes in PING extractor. Second, copy number of KIR genes are determined through an exhaustive alignment to a diverse set of KIR sequences in PING copy. Finally, PING allele performs a series of alignments to determine the most congruent KIR genotype, which informs a final round of alignment and genotype determination. Additionally, PING reports any identified novel SNPs and new alleles (SNP combinations not found in any described KIR allele sequence).
