pone.0261230.g003.tif (347.83 kB)

Overview of sample management by the custom laboratory information management system.

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posted on 2021-12-17, 18:31 authored by Terren Chang, Jolene M. Draper, Anouk Van den Bout, Ellen Kephart, Hannah Maul-Newby, Yvonne Vasquez, Jason Woodbury, Savanna Randi, Martina Pedersen, Maeve Nave, Scott La, Natalie Gallagher, Molly M. McCabe, Namrita Dhillon, Isabel Bjork, Michael Luttrell, Frank Dang, John B. MacMillan, Ralph Green, Elizabeth Miller, Auston M. Kilpatrick, Olena Vaske, Michael D. Stone, Jeremy R. Sanford

The workflow is divided into three basic modules: sample accessioning, sample processing and result reporting. To accelerate testing, accessioning and reporting steps are fully automated.
