pone.0259625.g005.tif (429.73 kB)

Overlay of multiple simulations to show the effect of variation in the coalescence radius CR, AIB = 120, standard conditions, seed = 61.

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posted on 2021-11-16, 18:24 authored by G. Jordan Maclay, Moody Ahmad

A dark grey bullseye indicates the origin (0,0) in the center of the figure and the trail of a small red spot indicates the location of Center of Attributes during the simulation. a) Simulations with CR = 0.1(blue), 0.2(red/default), and 0.3(green). The red covers the blue and green tracks indicating they are almost identical; b)Simulations with CR = 0.2(red/default), 0.7(blue), and 1.5(green). Some differences are visible.
