pone.0294603.g005.tif (1.37 MB)

Overlap with previous TB treatment studies.

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posted on 2024-02-29, 18:23 authored by Samantha M. Powell, Leah G. Jarsberg, Erin L. M. Zionce, Lindsey N. Anderson, Marina A. Gritsenko, Payam Nahid, Jon M. Jacobs

Comparison of a previous 8-week study identifying 244 significant proteins [11] (blue), with the 8-week time point (A-B) and overall 52-week time course (C-D) of the present study (red), identifying 301 and 676 significant proteins, respectively. (A) 82 total proteins overlap between the previous and present studies at the 8-week time point, and (C) 150 total proteins overlap across the full 52-weeks. The respective fold-changes of the (B) 82 and (D) 150 overlapping proteins show that the directionality of the changes is consistent across most proteins.
