pone.0278388.s002.tif (1.98 MB)

Oscillatory potentials and DR score analysis in people with early risk factors for DR, and correlation with slow frequency spontaneous ERG oscillation power.

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posted on 2023-01-12, 18:41 authored by Ramsés Noguez Imm, Julio Muñoz-Benitez, Diego Medina, Everardo Barcenas, Guillermo Molero-Castillo, Pamela Reyes-Ortega, Jorge Armando Hughes-Cano, Leticia Medrano-Gracia, Manuel Miranda-Anaya, Gerardo Rojas-Piloni, Hugo Quiroz-Mercado, Luis Fernando Hernández-Zimbrón, Elisa Denisse Fajardo-Cruz, Ezequiel Ferreyra-Severo, Renata García-Franco, Juan Fernando Rubio Mijangos, Ellery López-Star, Marlon García-Roa, Van Charles Lansingh, Stéphanie C. Thébault

A, Illustrative recording from the ISCEV DA 3 ERG protocol in a control case. N1-P1 and P1-N2 B, amplitude and C, peak time ratio in control (metabolically healthy, n = 8) and disease (OW, n = 5; obese, n = 2; MetS, n = 6; and diabetes with no DR, n = 61) groups. D, DR score in control (metabolically healthy, n = 74) and disease (OW, n = 22; obese, n = 18; MetS, n = 88; and diabetes with no DR, n = 109) groups. B-D, Graphs show mean ± confidence interval. Correlation analysis between the E, N1-P1 or P1-N2 amplitude ratio, F, N1-P1 or P1-N2 peak time ratio, and G, DR score with the spontaneous oscillation (SO) PCA score (detailed in Methods) in the groups of interest.

