pone.0262556.g003.tif (643.07 kB)

OrthoANIu indicates widespread shared genomic features between Cluster AZ and Microbacterium phages.

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posted on 2022-01-13, 18:30 authored by Andrew Kapinos, Pauline Aghamalian, Erika Capehart, Anya Alag, Heather Angel, Eddie Briseno, Byron Corado Perez, Emily Farag, Hilory Foster, Abbas Hakim, Daisy Hernandez-Casas, Calvin Huang, Derek Lam, Maya Mendez, Ashley Min, Nikki Nguyen, Alexa L. Omholt, Emily Ortiz, Lizbeth Shelly Saldivar, Jack Arthur Shannon, Rachel Smith, Mihika V. Sridhar, An Ta, Malavika C. Theophilus, Ryan Ngo, Canela Torres, Krisanavane Reddi, Amanda C. Freise, Jordan Moberg Parker

Pairwise average nucleotide identities between orthologous regions of each genome (OrthoANIu; upper right values) and respective coverages (bottom left values) were calculated using a command-line OrthoANIu tool. Values were visualized as a heat map using Prism 8.0.0. Cells boxed in black represent phage clusters. The former singleton Zeta1847 is indicated in red. “Str. indicates phages infecting Streptomyces. OrthoANIu values supported findings of the nucleotide dotplot and indicated widespread presence of small but well-conserved genomic features.
