pone.0274223.s001.tif (64.71 kB)

Observed predation rate (mean ± SE) compared to the weevil infestation level in the five plots.

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posted on 2022-09-20, 17:30 authored by Paul Tresson, Philippe Tixier, William Puech, Bernard Abufera, Antoine Wyvekens, Dominique Carval

The sanitary ranking of plots was based on assessment of weevil infestation level before the experiment, damage reported by the farmer, and age of the plot; the ranking increased as the values of these variables increased. The PC plot was newly planted with in-vitro propagated banana plants and lacked any history of weevil infestation because the plot was not cultivated before, i.e., the absence of weevil damage in the PC plot was probably not caused by regulation by natural enemies. On the contrary, BM plot is planted with in-vitro propagated plants but banana was already cultivated before and the plot had an already installed weevil population.

