pone.0297816.g002.tif (1.65 MB)

Observation of the thallus in different growth conditions 0 to 5 at the macroscopic scale.

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posted on 2024-02-06, 18:23 authored by Clara Ledoux, Cécilia Bobée, Éva Cabet, Pascal David, Frédéric Filaine, Sabrina Hachimi, Christophe Lalanne, Gwenaël Ruprich-Robert, Éric Herbert, Florence Chapeland-Leclerc

(A) Thallus on Petri dishes in different conditions of growth, 4 days after the germination of the ascospore on a membrane of cellophane (scale bar: 10 mm). (B) Thallus diameters over time of growth, with the errorbars corresponding to the standard deviations calculated from the three experiments. (0) condition 0 (standard conditions, see [17]); (1) low-nutrient medium; (2) osmotic stress (KCl); (3) intense lighting (diameter measured for days 2 and 4 only, see Section Materials and methods); (4) low temperature (19°C); (5) high temperature (35°C). Experimental points were connected by straight lines.
