pone.0298208.g004.tif (235.47 kB)

Number of ambulation, rearing, and tremor bouts in control and after 4-aminopyridine administration in male taiep rats.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 18:32 authored by Jose R. Eguibar, Carmen Cortes, Victor H. Hernandez, Alejandra Lopez-Juarez, Valeria Piazza, Diego Carmona, Anke Kleinert-Altamirano, Blanca Morales-Campos, Emilio Salceda, Manuel Roncagliolo

In the novelty-induced locomotor test, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) i.p. injection of 1 mg/Kg significantly increased the ambulation bouts (t (29) = 3.6; P< 0.05), but not rearing and tremor bouts. The data is the mean ± E.E.M. of eight subjects.
