pone.0296350.g001.tif (649.81 kB)

Number of DEGs of each pairwise comparison at 6 dpi of chickens infected with Eimeria maxima and their uninfected controls that are raised in a thermoneutral or heat stress environment: TNc = thermoneutral control, TNi = thermoneutral infected, HSc = heat stress control, HSi = heat stress infected.

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posted on 2024-02-23, 18:49 authored by Ahmed F. A. Ghareeb, James C. Foutz, Gustavo H. Schneiders, Jennifer N. Richter, Marie C. Milfort, Alberta L. Fuller, Romdhane Rekaya, Samuel E. Aggrey

Number of DEGs of each pairwise comparison at 6 dpi of chickens infected with Eimeria maxima and their uninfected controls that are raised in a thermoneutral or heat stress environment: TNc = thermoneutral control, TNi = thermoneutral infected, HSc = heat stress control, HSi = heat stress infected.
