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Non-sensory representations in visual cortex neurons.

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posted on 2023-12-04, 18:35 authored by Anqi Zhang, Anthony M. Zador

(a) Distribution of choice probabilities in V1 neurons, as measured by the area under a receiver operating curve. (b, c) Example neurons from Fig 2F and 2G, split by choice (b) and outcome (c) for the same visual stimulus. (d) Side-selectivity index of between-port movements is uncorrelated between choice and initiation movements for cells identified as significantly choice-selective (Pearson correlation, r = −0.056, p = 0.483). (e, f) Example neurons and proportion of cells that are selective for previous trial choice (e) and previous trial reward (f) during the pre-stimulus period. The underlying data for this figure are available for download from 10.17632/5ms7gcb67j.1.

