pone.0263377.g005.tif (263.81 kB)

Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on presence/absence data.

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posted on 2022-02-02, 18:33 authored by Stephanie M. Bilodeau, Austin W. H. Schwartz, Binfeng Xu, V. Paúl Pauca, Miles R. Silman

Points represent 20 individual site observations by divers or 3 pooled images from 18 given sites and are colored purple for halo/reef cameras and dark green for seagrass or algae cameras. ANOSIM of this NMDS output found a significant difference between halo/reef (purple) and seagrass/algae (green) communities (R = 0.68, p<0.001). Dots represent diver observations, while triangles represent camera images. Both diver and camera observations reflect the same clear difference between fish communities on the reef and those in the seagrass. See S5 Fig for a stressplot of this NMDS.
