pone.0247458.g003.tif (97.36 kB)

Networks of affect states: Significant paths.

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posted on 2021-03-04, 18:57 authored by Anna Kuranova, Johanna T. W. Wigman, Claudia Menne-Lothmann, Jeroen Decoster, Ruud van Winkel, Philippe Delespaul, Marjan Drukker, Marc de Hert, Catherine Derom, Evert Thiery, Bart P. F. Rutten, Nele Jacobs, Jim van Os, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Sanne H. Booij, Marieke Wichers

In this figure, affect states networks are visualized for the Stable and the Increase groups. Only significant paths (p<0.05) are presented. Presented are temporal networks, meaning that the connections represent the effect of the variable at time point t-1 on the variable at the time point t. Solid green edges represent positive connections from one node to the other, meaning that the increase in one node variable at time point t-1 is associated with increase in the other variable at time t. Dashed red edges represent negative connections, meaning that the decrease in one node variable at time point t-1 is associated with decrease in the other variable at time t. Circular edges represent autocorrelations, i.e. the effect of the variable at time point t-1 on itself at t. ’Che’ -’cheerful’, ’rlx’ -’relaxed’, ’enr’ -’energetic’, ’dwn’ -’down’, ’irr’ -’irritated’, ’lnl’—’lonely’.
