pone.0259375.g001.tif (774.04 kB)

Network diagram.

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posted on 2021-11-05, 17:27 authored by Catherine A. Spilling, Mohani-Preet K. Dhillon, Daniel R. Burrage, Sachelle Ruickbie, Emma H. Baker, Thomas R. Barrick, Paul W. Jones

Pearson’s correlations between non-brain and brain measures (circles) are represented as network connections. All lines indicate significance at p<0.05, line thickness indicates strength of correlation (correlation coefficient). (A) whole network. (B) Brain Tissue Volume (green), (C) white matter hyperintensity volume (blue), (D) White Matter Microstructure (orange). Dark colours show direct correlations with a brain measure. Light colours indicate intercorrelations between non-brain measures. Circle size reflects the number of connections. Relationships with CBF peak height and Plasma Lipids are not shown. ACR = Urine Albumin to Creatinine Ratio, BTV = Brain Tissue Volume, BP = Blood Pressure, CBF = median cerebral blood flow, CRP = high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, Fibr = Fibrinogen, Glu = Glucose Dysregulation, Micro = Lower White Matter Microstructure, MRC = MRC dyspnoea, Neut = Neutrophils, PckYr = pack year smoking history, Resp = Respiratory Function, rCal = Retinal Vessel Calibre, rTor = Retinal Vessel Tortuosity, Trop = troponin T, WMH = white matter hyperintense lesion volume.
