pone.0250043.s001.tif (582.17 kB)

NVC responses were assessed during cognitive n-back stimulation using the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) methodology.

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posted on 2021-05-19, 17:25 authored by Tamas Csipo, Agnes Lipecz, Peter Mukli, Dhay Bahadli, Osamah Abdulhussein, Cameron D. Owens, Stefano Tarantini, Rachel A. Hand, Valeriya Yabluchanska, J. Mikhail Kellawan, Farzaneh Sorond, Judith A. James, Anna Csiszar, Zoltan I. Ungvari, Andriy Yabluchanskiy

Tasks were administered in the following order: 0-back→ 1-back→ 0-back→ 2-back, 0-back being the reference condition, 1-back and 2-back being the tasks with different cognitive demand. Significant inactivation was seen in areas of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and left somatosensory cortex when the first reference 0-back condition was compared to second 0-back condition. Data were analyzed using the Brain AnalyzIR software, and a mask was applied on results to only map channels where pFDR<0.05. T-statistic heatmaps are plotted.

