pone.0246611.g003.tif (242.52 kB)

Muscle fascicle length versus time from optimized ML algorithm with direct training across tasks.

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posted on 2021-05-27, 00:17 authored by Luis G. Rosa, Jonathan S. Zia, Omer T. Inan, Gregory S. Sawicki

Subplots show raw output of muscle fascicle length (mm) versus time (seconds) estimated using B-mode ultrasound images fed through a support vector machine (SVM) machine-learning (ML) model with optimized hyperparameters for a representative participant X during several cycles of a given ankle movement task (e.g., constrained ankle = red (top); mix = purple (bottom)). In each case, the SVM ML output was generated following a training procedure using image data from the same participant X and same task as that used to measure muscle fascicle length in the test participant X (i.e., direct task to task training). Muscle fascicle lengths derived from inputting the same B-mode images into UltraTrack (UT) software (gray) are included as ‘ground-truth’ to give context regarding correlation and RMSE across tasks. Note that scaling of Y-axes differs from panel to panel.
