pgen.1011115.s013.tif (1.25 MB)

Motif position relative to predicted transcription initiation elements for direct targets of TrmBHar.

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:29 authored by Rylee K. Hackley, Angie Vreugdenhil-Hayslette, Cynthia L. Darnell, Amy K. Schmid

Motif sequences are highlighted in purple. Motif occurrences on opposite strands were considered distinct. Darker purple color indicates motif instances on opposite strands overlap. Start codons are highlighted in grey. Putative initiation elements are bolded and underlined (TATA-box and BRE). Other haloarchaea have been reported to frequently lack identifiable TATA sequences [94]. If a promoter element could not be identified, the expected location (i.e., -26/-27 for TATA and -33/-34 for BRE) was underlined.

