pcbi.1011151.g001.tif (433.29 kB)

Models of individual cell cycle transitions.

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posted on 2024-01-08, 18:23 authored by Paul F. Lang, David R. Penas, Julio R. Banga, Daniel Weindl, Bela Novak

a, b Reaction network and bifurcation diagram of the restriction point. Lighter colour indicates reactions omitted in Figs A-a and A-b in S1 Appendix. c, d Reaction network and bifurcation diagram of the G1/S transition. Lighter colour indicates reactions omitted in Fig B-b in S1 Appendix. e, f Reaction network and bifurcation diagram of the G2/M transition as developed by Vinod and Novak [25]. tCycB: total cyclin B. g, h Reaction network and bifurcation diagram of the combined G2/M and M/A transition. Lighter colour represents a simplified schematic of the G2/M transition network shown in (e). In the reaction network diagrams conversions are represented by full arrows and catalytic interactions by dashed arrows. Four circles indicate degraded proteins. Red letters represent the species used as bifurcation parameters. In the bifurcation diagrams solid lines show stable and dotted lines unstable steady states. Unphysiological regions are semi-transparent. Line endings within the axes limits indicate disappearance of a steady state. For variable abbreviations please refer to Table A in S1 Appendix. Cdh1 and Cdh1:Emi in the G1/S transition network correspond to (p)Apc:Cdh1 and (p)Apc:Cdh1:Emi1, respectively in the full cell cycle model. Models incl. parameters are available in the /versions/v0.0.1/ directory of the cell_cycle_model GitHub repository.
