pone.0247046.g006.tif (3.23 MB)

Model of lipid oxidation.

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posted on 2021-03-02, 18:26 authored by Timothy C. Stutz, Alfonso Landeros, Jason Xu, Janet S. Sinsheimer, Mary Sehl, Kenneth Lange

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), denoted by open sites, are present in the lipid membranes of cells. Reactive oxygen species can oxygenate a PUFA, resulting in a depleted PUFA that reduces the flexibility of the lipid membrane. Deuterated PUFAs are resistant to the oxygenation. Adding a certain percentage of deuterated PUFAs to the membrane can drastically reduce the length of the depleted lipid chain. The simulation was initiated with a single oxygenated PUFA at the origin.
