pone.0252995.g002.tif (715.02 kB)

Microbiome results.

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posted on 2021-06-25, 17:31 authored by Sendhilnathan Ramalingam, Sharareh Siamakpour-Reihani, Lauren Bohannan, Yi Ren, Alexander Sibley, Jeff Sheng, Li Ma, Andrew B. Nixon, Jing Lyu, Daniel C. Parker, James Bain, Michael Muehlbauer, Olga Ilkayeva, Virginia Byers Kraus, Janet L. Huebner, Thomas Spitzer, Jami Brown, Jonathan U. Peled, Marcel van den Brink, Antonio Gomes, Taewoong Choi, Cristina Gasparetto, Mitchell Horwitz, Gwynn Long, Richard Lopez, David Rizzieri, Stefanie Sarantopoulos, Nelson Chao, Anthony D. Sung

(A) Mean Shannon Diversity at baseline and post-transplant. (B) Mean relative abundance of bifidobacteria in pasireotide and control groups at baseline and post-HCT. (C) Mean relative abundance of clostridia in pasireotide and control groups at baseline and post-HCT.
