pone.0278699.s001.tif (492.02 kB)

Microbial community standard composition.

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posted on 2022-12-09, 18:25 authored by Eric N. Hammond, Ashley E. Kates, Nathan Putman-Buehler, Lauren Watson, Jared J. Godfrey, Nicole Brys, Courtney Deblois, Andrew J. Steinberger, Madison S. Cox, Joseph H. Skarlupka, Ambar Haleem, Michael L. Bentz, Garret Suen, Nasia Safdar

Stacked bar plots of the absolute abundance of top 10 phyla and genera composition in positive control (ZymoBIOMICS® Gut Microbiome). Rare taxa are classified as “uncultured”. The legend displays the color coding of genera and phyla to which these taxa belong.

