pcbi.1011919.s003.tif (591.3 kB)

Metabolomics data shows differential consumption and production of metabolites between blank media and control/treated samples.

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posted on 2024-02-29, 18:53 authored by Bonnie V. Dougherty, Connor J. Moore, Kristopher D. Rawls, Matthew L. Jenior, Bryan Chun, Sarbajeet Nagdas, Jeffrey J. Saucerman, Glynis L. Kolling, Anders Wallqvist, Jason A. Papin

(A) Metabolites that were measured to only be consumed across both drug treated and control conditions when compared to blank media. Here, red indicates a metabolite that was consumed more in the treatment condition than the control condition, blue indicates a metabolite that was consumed more in the control condition than the treatment condition, white indicates a metabolite that was consumed in either/both the treatment and control conditions but there was no difference in consumption and grey indicates a metabolite that was not consumed in either the treatment or control condition when compared to blank media. An example is shown for a metabolite that was more consumed between treated and control conditions (adenine) and a metabolite (hepatonate) that was consumed in a treated/control condition but there was no difference between the treated/control conditions. Black dots indicate a condition where there was a significant change in the metabolite when compared with blank media (Mann Whitney U-test, FDR < 0.1). P-values are shown for comparisons that were significant between a treatment and its respective control. (B) Metabolites that were measured to be both produced and consumed across conditions. Here, the red line indicates the mean value for the blank media samples. Black dots indicate conditions where there was a significant change when compared to blank media (Mann Whitney U-test, FDR < 0.1). A black dot above the red line indicates that a metabolite was produced whereas a black dot below the black line indicates a metabolite that was consumed. (C) Metabolites that were not significantly changed from blank media samples but were measured to change between treatment and control samples. Here, red indicates that a metabolite was present at a higher level in the treated group compared to the control group whereas blue indicates a metabolite that present at a lower level compared to the treated group. Given that there is no significant change with respect to the blank media, directionality of change (i.e. consumption or production) cannot be determined.

