ppat.1012036.g005.tif (1.55 MB)

Metabolic changes during EMCV infection resemble those observed in CVB3 infection.

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posted on 2024-03-08, 18:21 authored by Lonneke V. Nouwen, Martijn Breeuwsma, Esther A. Zaal, Chris H. A. van de Lest, Inge Buitendijk, Marleen Zwaagstra, Pascal Balić, Dmitri V. Filippov, Celia R. Berkers, Frank J. M. van Kuppeveld

A) Metabolomics study of mock- and CVB3- or EMCV-infected HeLa R19 cells (MOI 5). Cells were lysed at 2, 4, 6 or 8 hpi and subjected to LC-MS for the measurement of metabolites. Heatmap showing log2 fold changes in metabolite levels in CVB3- and EMCV-infected cells compared to mock infection (three replicates; one experiment for each virus). One sample was removed from analysis (one replicate of 2 hpi CVB3), because of a technical defect. B) A Pearson correlation test was performed to determine the level of correlation between metabolic changes induced by CVB3 and EMCV. C) 13C-glucose isotope tracing study in mock- and EMCV-infected HeLa R19 cells (three replicates; one experiment; MOI 5). Cells were infected, lysed at 2, 4, 6 or 8 hpi and measured by LC-MS to identify metabolites and quantify the different isotopologues. Isotope patterns in ADP, ATP, UDP and UTP in mock and EMCV infected HeLa R19 cells are depicted. One sample was removed from analysis (one replicate of 8 hpi EMCV), because of a technical defect. The p-values were calculated using linear mixed effect models with an interaction of time and treatment and a random effect of replicate. A rank transformation on the data was performed to ensure a normal distribution of the residuals. Afterwards, a contrast analysis was done to calculate the p-values between specific groups. For this analysis, the fractions of all labels were added together and tested whether the total amount of labeling differed between mock and CVB3 infection. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
