pone.0257697.g002.tif (308.49 kB)

Meta-analysis of carotid web in ischemic stroke cohorts.

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posted on 2021-09-17, 17:30 authored by Brian Mac Grory, Erez Nossek, Michael E. Reznik, Matthew Schrag, Mahesh Jayaraman, Ryan McTaggart, Adam de Havenon, Shadi Yaghi, Wuwei Feng, Karen Furie, Anusha Boyanpally

Panel A: Relative risk of ipsilateral versus contralateral carotid web in patients with stroke All studies. (I2 = 27.71%, p = 0.0009). Panel B: Cryptogenic stroke only. (I2 = 0%, p = 0.0001). Panel C: Cryptogenic stroke in patients less than 60 years old. (I2 = 0%, p = 0.001). Panel D: Pooled prevalence of ipsilateral carotid web in young (<60) patients with cryptogenic stroke combined via a random effects model. (I2 = 65.42%). Please note that “Mac Grory 2021” refers to the present study.
