pone.0254165.g004.tif (613.25 kB)

Mesh hole size, connectivity, and fiber length analysis using the vector tracing software.

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posted on 2021-07-08, 01:00 authored by Moritz Schu, Emmanuel Terriac, Marcus Koch, Stephan Paschke, Franziska Lautenschläger, Daniel A. D. Flormann

(A-C) Schematic representations of the mesh hole size (A), connectivity (B), and fiber length (C) measures for the cellular actin network. (D-F) Quantification of the vector tracing software data for HMDS10 drying (hdms), and CPD-LT and CPD, for the mesh hole (MH) size (D; <100 nm; i.e., excluding artifactual mesh holes), connectivity (E), and fiber length (F). Scale bars: 100 nm (A, C, E). *** p <0.001, n.s. not significant; each data set was compared to hmds (B, D, E) using t-tests. ANOVA tests: p = 7.43∙10−4 (B), p = 1.42∙10−5 (D), p = 3.7∙10−7 (F). N = 29, 39, 28 (B, D, F, from left to right).
