pone.0257299.g004.tif (772.94 kB)

Meal-induced plasma glucose, triglyceride and insulin responses (means±SEM) in five groups of normal (non-diabetic) and diabetic pigs fed a low fat, low sugar diet, fast food diet with or without medication or a plant-fish oil, slow carbohydrate diet.

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posted on 2021-10-20, 20:03 authored by Sietse J. Koopmans, Heleen M. M. van Beusekom, F. Josef van der Staay, Gisabeth Binnendijk, Marcel Hulst, Zlaw Mroz, Mariette T. Ackermans, Lambertus Benthem

Areas under the curves (AUCs) are calculated from zero and baseline value (response), covering the period 0 to 4 hours and 0 to 8 hours postprandial (from start of the morning meal) and expressed in AUC·h-1. Means sharing the same superscript A,B,C are not significantly different from each other.
