pone.0255846.g002.tif (258.61 kB)

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of enterovirus A71 and echovirus 30.

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posted on 2021-08-12, 18:59 authored by Andrés Lizasoain, Daiana Mir, Matías Salvo, Viviana Bortagaray, Gisela Masachessi, Adrián Farías, Nélida Rodríguez-Osorio, Silvia Nates, Matías Victoria, Rodney Colina

Phylogenetic trees of enterovirus A71 (a) and echovirus 30 (b) were constructed with 7,658 and 1,297 worldwide reported strains, respectively, including 16 strains of EV-A71 and 22 strains of E30 from Uruguay and Argentina reported by us. Clades were collapsed and named according to previously established classification in different lineages. SH-aLRT support values are shown at branches. Each tree is midpoint rooted. For echovirus 30, lineages described by Lema et al. 2019 [35] as extinct were excluded. Bars at the bottom denote genetic distance. Clades containing sequences from this study were highlighted.
