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Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of echovirus 30 genotype F.

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posted on 2021-08-12, 18:59 authored by Andrés Lizasoain, Daiana Mir, Matías Salvo, Viviana Bortagaray, Gisela Masachessi, Adrián Farías, Nélida Rodríguez-Osorio, Silvia Nates, Matías Victoria, Rodney Colina

The image corresponds to the non-collapsed view of the F genotype in Fig 2b, which clustered 350 worldwide circulating strains, including 6 strains from Argentina (blue branches) reported by us. SH-aLRT ≥0.7 are shown at branches. GenBank accession numbers, Alpha-2 country codes (ISO3166) and detection dates code each strain. The bar at the bottom denotes genetic distance.

