pone.0255846.g004.tif (842.07 kB)

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of echovirus 30 genotype E.

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posted on 2021-08-12, 18:59 authored by Andrés Lizasoain, Daiana Mir, Matías Salvo, Viviana Bortagaray, Gisela Masachessi, Adrián Farías, Nélida Rodríguez-Osorio, Silvia Nates, Matías Victoria, Rodney Colina

The image corresponds to the non-collapsed view of genotype E in Fig 2b, which clustered 508 worldwide circulating strains, including 16 strains from Uruguay and Argentina reported by us in this study (blue branches). Clusters that contain Uruguayan and Argentine strains reported by us are blue-highlighted and magnified at right. Strains were named by their GenBank accession numbers, the Alpha-2 country codes (ISO3166) and their detection dates. Black circles highlight Uruguayan strains. SH-aLRT values ≥ 0.7 are shown. The bar at the bottom denotes genetic distance. S5 File shows a full view of the entire tree.
