pone.0260604.s001.tiff (157.62 kB)

Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree of full-length gag HIV sub-subtype A sequences: HIV-1A sub-subtypes are shown in red (A1), green (A2), purple (A3), turquoise (A4), blue (A6) colors.

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posted on 2021-12-13, 18:23 authored by Syed Hani Abidi, Lazzat Aibekova, Salima Davlidova, Aidana Amangeldiyeva, Brian Foley, Syed Ali

Grey-colored branches signify ≥0.9 support value. For clarity, unrelated subtype A1 clusters have been collapsed. The black arrow indicates the A6 ancestral node shared by A1 sequences. SIV gag sequence from chimpanzee was used as an outlier to root the tree.

