pone.0251255.g004.tif (116.86 kB)

Marginal means for postural effects on cerebral oxygenation.

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posted on 2021-05-10, 17:30 authored by Nhu N. Tran, Jodie K. Votava-Smith, John C. Wood, Ashok Panigrahy, Choo Phei Wee, Matthew Borzage, S. Ram Kumar, Paula M. Murray, Mary-Lynn Brecht, Lisa Paquette, Kenneth M. Brady, Bradley S. Peterson

This figure demonstrates the direction of effects for cerebrovascular stability in each group. rcSO2 values are least square means estimated from the generalized estimating equation that tested our a priori hypotheses and are adjusted for postconceptional age, sex, ethnicity, and SpO2. Brain oxygen saturation decreased from the supine to sitting posture in CHD infants, but it increased slightly in healthy controls. Error bars represent standard error. CHD = congenital heart disease; rcSO2 = regional cerebral oxygen saturation.
