pntd.0010017.s001.tif (486.53 kB)

Map of study sites generating serum samples for anti-S. Typhi IgG serology in the Lao PDR.

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posted on 2021-12-13, 18:33 authored by Lisa Hefele, Antony P. Black, Trinh Van Tan, Nguyen Tri Minh, Nguyen Duc Hoang, Siriphone Virachith, Claude P. Muller, Judith M. Hübschen, Paula Russell, Josefin Bartholdson Scott, Chau Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Tran Vu Thieu Nga, Stephen Baker

PSL = Phongsaly, LNT = Luang Namtha, HPN = Huaphan, LPB = Luang Prabang, XAY = Xayabouli, VTN = Vientiane, BLX = Bolikhamxay, KHM = Khammouane, ATP = Attapeu. The map was created with QGIS (QGIS Development Team, 2018). The data regarding the administrative boundaries of Lao PDR were obtained from the Humanitarian Data Exchange website, dataset provided by the National Geographic Department of Lao PDR, 2019) and recreated under a CC BY-IGO license. Projection used: EPSG 4326 –WGS 84.

