pone.0252225.g001.tif (263.49 kB)

Map of Sicily showing the location of Palermo and Casale San Pietro.

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posted on 2021-06-09, 17:43 authored by Jasmine Lundy, Lea Drieu, Antonino Meo, Viva Sacco, Lucia Arcifa, Elena Pezzini, Veronica Aniceti, Girolamo Fiorentino, Michelle Alexander, Paola Orecchioni, Alessandra Mollinari, Martin O. H. Carver, Oliver E. Craig

Colours represent the sites with ceramics used in this study where pink = CSP, yellow = GA, blue = PB and orange = CLESP. The main road between Palermo and Agrigento from North to South is marked on the map.
