pone.0243017.g001.tif (1.74 MB)

Map of Cameroon showing the two sample populations.

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posted on 2021-03-16, 17:24 authored by Aurore Rimlinger, Marie-Louise Avana, Abdon Awono, Armel Chakocha, Alexis Gakwavu, Taïna Lemoine, Lison Marie, Franca Mboujda, Yves Vigouroux, Vincent Johnson, Barbara Vinceti, Stéphanie M. Carrière, Jérôme Duminil

The large rural population on the left (white dots) comprises the two localities where the social dynamic of tree planting was investigated (1, Manjo; 2, Bandounga). The urban population (Yaoundé, orange square) is enlarged on the right, showing the urban trees sampled in the 250-ha area, with information on the ethnic group of the tree owners. Map image was created on QGIS version 3.6.1 [44]. We used OpenStreetMap ( and shapefiles of Earth with shaded relief and water from Natural Earth ( and of the global tree cover in the area, described in Hansen et al. [45] and available at GPS coordinates are stored in the S1 Dataset.
