pone.0261614.g001.tif (215.02 kB)

Manual straight ahead endpoint errors.

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posted on 2021-12-20, 18:28 authored by Axel D. Vittersø, Gavin Buckingham, Antonia F. Ten Brink, Monika Halicka, Michael J. Proulx, Janet H. Bultitude

Mean endpoint errors in degrees are presented split by Side of Body (affected/non-dominant, non-affected/dominant), for participants with CRPS (orange dots, n = 17, Maffected = -4.78°, SD = 8.99; Mnon-affected = 3.42°, SD = 5.77), and for control participants (blue dots, n = 18, Mnon-dominant = -4.16°, SD = 5.85, Mdominant = 3.01°, SD = 5.79). Black dots show mean values for each Side of Body, with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals (error bars). A negative score indicates errors made towards the affected/non-dominant side. *** p < 0.001.
