pone.0250334.g002.tif (1.77 MB)

Manual segmentation process of 3D-MRI model.

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posted on 2021-04-30, 17:35 authored by Choong Guen Chee, Hye Won Chung, Wanlim Kim, Min A. Yoon, So Myoung Shin, Guk Bae Kim

Using a low pass filter, bone structure can be extracted from the fat suppressed MR image, along with fatty tissues, tendons, and ligaments (a). Using the in-phase image obtained in the Dixon method, the bony cortex or subchondral bone plate can be extracted by using low pass filter (b), unlike with the water excitation method. The extracted boundary of the cortex or subchondral bone plate served as a guideline (blue line) between the osseous anatomy and overlying subcutaneous fat (white arrow) during the bone segmentation (c).
