pone.0297800.g006.tif (842.79 kB)

Manual aspiration embolectomy of artificial embolus.

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posted on 2024-02-08, 18:52 authored by Viktor Hartung, Anne Marie Augustin, Jan-Peter Grunz, Henner Huflage, Jan-Lucca Hennes, Florian Kleefeldt, Süleyman Ergün, Dominik Peter, Sven Lichthardt, Thorsten Alexander Bley, Philipp Gruschwitz

A Aspiration catheter (BigLumen Aspiration Catheter, straight, 6F; OptiMed) filled with contrast agent for improved visibility. Note the attached artificial embolus (CuraSpon®; Cura Medical) marked with an arrowhead. B Empty aspiration catheter. C Unremarkable vessel delineation after the artificial embolus was successfully retrieved.
