pone.0246683.g001.tif (279.08 kB)

Mann-Whitney U mean rankings of UR trainees: PWIs (N = 23) and HBCUs (N = 14).

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posted on 2021-02-08, 19:00 authored by Tremaine B. Williams, Latrina Y. Prince, Antiño R. Allen, Kristen M. Sterba, Billy R. Thomas, Robert E. McGehee

Given the lack of normality in the distributions of GRE Scores and undergraduate GPA, a Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine differences between the two groups. Fig 1 presents the mean rakings across program admission variables for the 37 IMSD students. Mean rankings of the Mann-Whitney U test were interpreted because histograms confirmed differences in the distribution shape of the trainees from HBCUs and trainees from PWIs [20]. Therefore, there are differences in first-semester Ph.D. GPA between UR trainees with undergraduate training at HBCUs and UR trainees with undergraduate training at PWIs.
