pone.0247134.g005.tif (2.91 MB)

Macroscopic and histopathological analysis of BF.

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posted on 2021-02-16, 18:39 authored by Carla Marusic, Charifa Drissi Touzani, Alessio Bortolami, Marcello Donini, Claudia Zanardello, Chiara Lico, Emile Rage, Siham Fellahi, Mohammed El Houadfi, Calogero Terregino, Selene Baschieri

A) Representative images of the differences in the morphological aspect of BF collected 10 days post challenge in the different groups: (VP2-BP), vvIBDV challenged chickens immunized with the VP2 particles, showing normal appearance; (C+), vvIBDV challenged chickens immunized with the inactivated commercial vaccine, showing normal appearance; (Untreated), unchallenged naive chickens, showing normal appearance; (C-), vvIBDV challenged naive chickens, showing diffused hemorragic appearance. B) Histopathological pictures are representative of BF sections derived from 6 animals for each group and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Diffuse necrosis of lymphocytes and marked atrophy of follicles are evident in the bursae of C- group. Loss of lymphocytes, within both medullary and cortex areas, results in multifocal, cystic cavities containing cellular debris (black arrows).
