ppat.1012079.g001.tif (903.7 kB)

Macrophages treated with HBV displayed high OXPHOS and low glycolytic activities.

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posted on 2024-03-11, 17:41 authored by Yumei Li, Christine Wu, Jiyoung Lee, Qiqi Ning, Juhyeon Lim, Hyungjin Eoh, Sean Wang, Benjamin P. Hurrell, Omid Akbari, Jing-hsiung James Ou

(A) Analysis of OCR (left panel) and ECAR (right panel) of THP-1-derived macrophages (THP-1(M0)) that were treated with LPS+ IFN-γ (THP-1(LPS+IFN-γ)), IL-4+IL-13 (THP-1(IL-4+13)), HCV (THP-1(M0)+HCV) or HBV (THP-1(M0)+HBV). THP-1(M0) that was not treated was used as the negative control. (B) Analysis of OCR (left panel) and ECAR (right panel) of human M1-like macrophages (M(GM-CSF)), M2-like macrophages (M(CSF-1)), and M(GM-CSF) treated with HCV (M(GM-CSF)+HCV) or HBV (M(GM-CSF)+HBV).
