pone.0297516.g002.tif (299.76 kB)

M41K-Beau(S) is attenuated in vivo.

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posted on 2024-01-24, 18:27 authored by Sarah Keep, Phoebe Stevenson-Leggett, Isobel Webb, Albert Fones, James Kirk, Paul Britton, Erica Bickerton

At 8 days of age, four groups of (A-C) 12 or (D-F) 15 SPF RIR chicks were inoculated via the intraocular and intranasal route with 105 PFU or equivalent CD50 dose of either (A-C) M41K-Beau(S), M41-K or M41-CK or (D-F) with M41K-4/91(S), M41-K or 4/91. Mock infected birds were inoculated with PBS. Clinical signs were observed from either day 2 or 3 to day 7 post-infection. (A, D) The average number of snicks per bird per minute was calculated for each group based on counts from two persons. (B, E) The percentage of birds exhibiting rales in each group was calculated. (C, F) Ciliary activity in the trachea was measured on days 4 and 6 post-infection. Trachea were extracted from three or five randomly selected birds on each day and sectioned into 10 x 1 mm rings. Each ring was analysed under a light microscope and assigned a score between 1 and 4 depending on the proportion of cilia beating. 1 = 25% beating, 2 = 50%, 3 = 75%, 4 = 100%. Each data point represents the average percentage ciliary activity of each bird. Error bars represent SD. Statistical differences were assessed using a Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test for multiple comparisons and are highlighted by ***(p<0.0005) and **** (p<0.0001).
